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Global Urban Development
Barcelona, Beijing, Berkeley, Curitiba, Dubai, Hong Kong, London, Panama City, Porto Alegre,

Poznan, Prague, Sao Paulo, Singapore, Sydney, Toronto, and Washington, DC


In Memoriam

(deceased as of August 10, 2024)

Board of Directors


Jobeda Ali, Chair and CEO, Three Sisters Care, London, UK

Lucelena Betancur, Director, Foundation Habitat Colombia, Bogota, Colombia

Vice Chair: Lawrence Bloom, Secretary General, Be Earth Foundation, and Chairman, Be Energy, London, UK


David Burwell, Nonresident Senior Associate, Energy and Climate Program, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Washington, DC

Cezar Busatto, Secretary for Political Coordination and Local Governance, and Chief Resilience Officer, Porto Alegre City Government, Porto Alegre, Brazil

Andrzej Flis, Professor of Sociology and Director, Center for Comparative Studies of Civilization, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland

Neil Fraser, Principal, Urban Inc., Johannesburg, South Africa

Martin Greenfield, President, Martin Greenfield Clothiers, Brooklyn, NY

Emilio Haddad, Professor Emeritus, Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil

Vice Chair: Sir Peter Hall, Bartlett Professor of Planning and Regeneration, University College London, London, UK


Vice Chair: Hazel Henderson, President, Ethical Markets Media (US and Brazil), St. Augustine, FL


Eric J. Hobsbawm, Professor Emeritus of Economic and Social History, Birkbeck College, London, UK

Vice Chair: Monika Jaeckel, Senior Advisor, Mother Centers International Network for Empowerment, Arnhem, Netherlands


​G. Thomas Kingsley, Principal Research Associate, Urban Institute, Washington, DC

Vice Chair: Jaime Lerner, Chairman, Jaime Lerner Associated Architects, and President, Jaime Lerner Institute, Curitiba, Brazil

Gill-Chin Lim, Distinguished Institute Professor, KDI School of Public Policy and Management, Seoul, Korea

Vice Chair: Jiang Mingjun, Director General, International Eco-Safety Cooperative Organization, Beijing, China

Vice Chair: Neal Peirce, Chairman, Citistates Group, Washington, DC

Tom Roper, Project Director, Small Island States Energy Initiative, Climate Institute, Melbourne, Australia

Francesc Santacana, General Coordinator, Strategic Metropolitan Plan of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain

Anthony Smith, Partner, Schmeltzer, Aptaker, and Shepard, Washington, DC

Advisory Board

Ray Anderson, Chairman and CEO, Interface, Atlanta, GA

Charles Billand, Chairman and Executive Director, City Partners International, Washington, DC

Nick Bollman, Senior Fellow, Funders’ Network for Smart Growth and Livable Communities, Coral Gables, FL

JoAnn Carmin, Associate Professor, Department of Urban Studies and Planning, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA

Helene Connor, Founder, HELIO International, Paris, France

Kim van Deventer, Director, Department of Economic Development and Tourism, Cape Town, South Africa

Hank Dittmar, Principal, Hank Dittmar Associates, London, UK

Robert Dubinsky, Chairman, IHC Global, Washington, DC

Leonard Duhl, Professor of Public Health and Urban Planning, University of California, Berkeley, CA

Malick Gaye, Executive Director, ENDA RUP, Dakar, Senegal

Joseph Gross, Principal, Sustainable Systems, Oakland, CA

Richard Hollingsworth, President, Gateway Cities Partnership, Paramount, CA

William Hudnut, Senior Fellow, Urban Land Institute, Washington, DC

Calestous Juma, Professor of the Practice of International Development, and Director, Science, Technology, and Globalization Project, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA

Michael Luger, Professor and Dean, Business and Management, Regent's University London, London, UK

Barbara McMurray, Senior Associate, Executive Training Division, SMI, Washington, DC

Zane Miller, Professor Emeritus of History, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH

Roger Montgomery, Professor Emeritus, College of Environmental Design, University of California, Berkeley, CA

Jiri Musil, Professor of Sociology, Center for Social and Economic Studies, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic

Cornelia Hahn Oberlander, Landscape Architect, Vancouver, Canada

H. Peter Oberlander, Senior Ministerial Advisor to the Secretary of State on the World Urban Forum 2006, Vancouver, Canada

John Parr, Principal, Civic Results, Denver, CO

Adam Roberts, Executive Director, Bethesda Green, Bethesda, MD

Mona Serageldin, Vice President, Institute for International Urban Development, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA

W. Cecil Steward, President and CEO, Joslyn Institute for Sustainable Communities, University of Nebraska, Omaha, NE

Dave Wetzel, Vice Chair, Transport for London, and CEO, Transforming Communities, London, UK

Barbara Wolfson, Principal, Capital Ideas, Washington, DC

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